How to Toast Sesame Seeds

How to Toast Sesame Seeds

I love toasted sesame seeds! They taste fantastic on their own and you can add them to salads and all sorts of Chinese cooking to liven up the dish. Now many people want to know how to toast sesame seeds in the perfect way and luckily it’s not hard at all!

Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds

So if you wanna know how to toast sesame seed it’s really quite simple. First thing you do is you start by preheating your oven to 180C (350F) . Once the oven is heated up take out a baking tray and sprinkle the sesame seeds you want to bake on the baking tray. I like to use a Parchment paper so that it’s easier to take the sesame seeds of the tray once they are toasted.


Sprinkling sesame seeds

Next thing you do is to put the tray in the oven and wait for about 8-10 minutes. You can tell that they are ready when they start to look golden and start to release a wonderful nutty kind of smell.

Sesame seeds in oven

If you have black sesame seeds instead of white ones and want to toast them just toast them for 7-8 minutes until they start to release a nutty smell.

How to toast Sesame seeds
How to toast Sesame seeds

Once the sesame seeds are toasted just let them cool or a few minutes and then enjoy!

You can store the seeds for up to a month in an airtight container or up to 3 months if you put them in the freezer.

How to Toast Sesame Seeds

I love toasted sesame seeds! They taste fantastic on their own and you can add them to salads and all sorts of Chinese dishes. Now many people want to know how to toast sesame seeds in the perfect way and luckily it’s not hard at all!

  • Sesame seeds
  1. First thing you do is you start be preheating your oven to 180C (350F) .
  2. Once the oven is heated up take out a baking tray and sprinkle the sesame seeds you want to bake on the baking tray.
  3. Put the tray in the oven and wait for about 8-10 minutes until you take them out
  4. Once the sesame seeds are toasted just let them cool or a few minutes and then enjoy!

You can tell that they are ready when they start to look golden and start to release a wonderful nutty kind of smell.
If you have black sesame seeds instead of white ones and want to toast them just toast them for 7-8 minutes until they start to release a nutty smell.
You can store the seeds for up to a month in an airtight container or up to 4 months if you put them in the freezer.

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