Banana pancake recipe
I love pancakes, especially with a lazy Sunday brunch. Banana pancakes are probably the simplest recipe we will ever post on All you need for this recipe is 2 eggs and 1 banana. Couldn’t be any simpler and more tasty!
1 banana
2 eggs
I know this sounds strange but this combination tastes fantastic once cooked. First thing you need to do it to mash the banana in a bowl.
Then you brake the eggs into the bowl and stir them together until it looks something like this
Preheat you pan to medium heat and put some butter on it so that the pancakes will not stick to the pan. Once the pan is heated and the butter is melted pour the pancake mixture on to the pan. Be careful not to make each pancake to large because then they might break when you flip them over to the other side.
After about 1-2 minutes flip them on the other side and cook for another minute. You can tell if they are ready to be flipped by gently touching them on the side and the whole pancake moves a little bit.
After about a minute on the other side take them off the pan and put them on a plate. This recipe makes about 8 little pancakes.

These pancakes taste awesome with some whipped cream and fruit jam! Enjoy it guys!
Fantastically simple Banana Pancakes recipe
I love pancakes, especially with a lazy Sunday brunch. Banana pancakes are probably the simplest recipe we will ever post on All you need for this recipe is 2 eggs and 1 banana. Couldn’t be any simpler and more tasty!
- 1 Banana
- 2 Eggs
- First thing you need to do it to mash the banana in a bowl.
- Then you brake the eggs into the bowl and stir them together.
- Preheat you pan to medium heat and put some butter on it so that the pancakes will not stick to the pan.
- Once the pan is heated and the butter is melted pour the pancake mixture on to the pan.
- After about 1-2 minutes flip them on the other side and cook for another minute.
- After about a minute on the other side take them off the pan and put them on a plate.
Very good and easy to make.